stare someone in the face
- stare someone in the face
I was trying to think up a good reason and there's one staring me in the face — Я пытался выдумать благовидный предлог, а он сам собой напрашивался
Your spectacles are staring you in the face — Да вот же очки, прямо на тебя смотрят
Новый англо-русский словарь современной разговорной лексики. - М.:«Русский язык-Медиа» .
Глазунов С.А. .
Смотреть что такое "stare someone in the face" в других словарях:
stare someone in the face — phrase if something is staring you in the face, it should be obvious to you The answer was staring me in the face. Thesaurus: to be, or to become obvious or noticeablesynonym Main entry: stare * * * be glaringly apparent or obvious the answer had … Useful english dictionary
stare someone in the face — if something is staring you in the face, it should be obvious to you The answer was staring me in the face … English dictionary
stare someone in the face — verb To be extremely visible and obvious. Then, one night you wake up with a start at 3 oclock in the morning with the answer staring you in the face. Or maybe it hits you in the bath, like Archimedes, or while youre on the loo … Wiktionary
stare someone in the eye — (or face) look fixedly or boldly at someone … Useful english dictionary
stare in the face — stare (someone) in the face see ↑stare, 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑face stare (someone) in the face (also chiefly US stare (someone) in the eye(s)) : to look directly into the eyes of (someone) … Useful english dictionary
be staring someone in the face — ► be staring someone in the face be glaringly obvious. Main Entry: ↑stare … English terms dictionary
stare — [ster] vi. stared, staring [ME staren < OE starian, akin to ON stara < Gmc * stara , having fixed eyes, rigid < IE base * (s)ter , rigid, stiff > STARK, Gr strēnēs, hard] 1. to gaze or look steadily with eyes wide open, as in fear,… … English World dictionary
stare — stare1 [ ster ] verb intransitive *** to look at someone or something very directly for a long time: It s rude to stare. stare at: He lifted his head and stared at her. stare into/out of/through etc.: They sat on the balcony, staring out across… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
stare — I UK [steə(r)] / US [ster] verb [intransitive] Word forms stare : present tense I/you/we/they stare he/she/it stares present participle staring past tense stared past participle stared *** a) to look at someone or something very directly for a… … English dictionary
stare — [c]/stɛə / (say stair) verb (stared, staring) –verb (i) 1. to gaze fixedly, especially with the eyes wide open. 2. to stand out boldly or obtrusively to view. 3. (of hair, feathers, etc.) to stand on end; bristle. –verb (t) 4. to stare at. 5. to… …
stare — ► VERB 1) look fixedly at someone or something with the eyes wide open. 2) (stare out/down) look fixedly at (someone) until they feel forced to look away. ► NOUN ▪ an act of staring. ● be staring someone in the face Cf. ↑be staring some … English terms dictionary